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Ideas needed...


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Hello all,


Amongst other things I look after the production and event management side of events for Lock N Load who are a London based promoter. My involvement is normally limited to more "doing" rather than designing, i.e. the most designing I do is be presented with competing ideas and say "that one please" then make sure it happens.


However on 1st April we have a night on at Koko and budget is extremely tight so they want to try and cover everything in house. The theme is The Glamour of 1950s Cinema... does anyone have any ideas of what that even LOOKS like?


I'm feeling a mirrored DJ booth to start with....





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try looking into Elvis Presley, Bill Haley and the Comets, Marlon Brando, James Dean to give you a feel for the era - in fact just typing 1950's cinema into google may help :) I guess it depends if you want to play up the cinema part - surely a simple solution project a classic 50's film on the wall, 50's film posters etc, or want to go down the rock and roll kind of theme



Hello all,


Amongst other things I look after the production and event management side of events for Lock N Load who are a London based promoter. My involvement is normally limited to more "doing" rather than designing, i.e. the most designing I do is be presented with competing ideas and say "that one please" then make sure it happens.


However on 1st April we have a night on at Koko and budget is extremely tight so they want to try and cover everything in house. The theme is The Glamour of 1950s Cinema... does anyone have any ideas of what that even LOOKS like?


I'm feeling a mirrored DJ booth to start with....






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perhaps also if you chose a film to project you could then decorate the room along the theme of that film so people feel like they're in the movie? so if you were to chose to project rock around the clock you could watch it and try to decorate the room a bit like whatever ballroom they are dancing to Bill Hayely and the Comets in, presumably with a big mirror ball in the middle of the room (ive never actually seen the film im just making assumptions here) but you get the idea

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You cant go much further than Back to the Future on this one in my opinion :)




Have a look at the dance scene and Im sure you'll get some ideas

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Thanks for the replies.


The problem is that they are not particularily excited about the film or cinema aspect it's the "glamour"


Which is not useful at all really...


I'm thinking big shiny DJ booth, big disco balls and lots of white light...

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