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Hey there,


I have a range of Abstract VR series lighting effects, and a couple of colour changers.


The fans are a bit dogey in a few and indeed they need replacing.


Ideally, I need 2 of the SUNON fan, model number 'KDE1208PTS1-6'


But I cant find them for sale anywhere :S


Has anyone got 2 spare or can suggest where I can find some???



Thanks in advance!



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If I remember that part number correctly, these are the same fans used in the base of various Martin MAC units. I've just replaced one of the base fans in one of our MAC550s - the direct replacement Sunon part was impossible to obtain at a sensible price, so I just replaced it with a 12vdc 80mm fan of a comparable spec that I found in the parts bins in the workshop. Seems to do the job just fine! So don't get hung up on the Sunon brand - the Maplin one that Tin linked to costs a fiver, and will do just fine.
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Thanks Tin!


I thought maybe any other 12V dc fan (computer fan) would work fine, just thought I would check to find a Sunon one.


But at over £20 each !!!! I can spend my money better elsewhere!


(However, I found a seller on ebay, listing them at £9.50 each :S)


Thanks anyway guys your brill !! :angry:




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