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Wireless signals


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OK, so I have a hotel where I have been asked to perform.


As our duo act, we have been asked to play in the main room, but the manager would like the sound to be around other rooms in the hotel.


Extra speakers is a no no, too long cable runs etc .


Now, I have a senny transmitter (from a wireless IEM) and receiver. (mic)


Could I match the frequencies and go through the house p.a?

I've never tried it, would just like to know your thoughts please.

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hey john looooooong time no talk how are you? couple of questions:

is there a system installed into the other rooms already and if so how would you patch into it?

secondly what mixer are you using these days provided you could do another output from the desk I cant see why you cant use the transmitter and reciever to go into there system


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Hey Sam, I'm good thanks, yourself?


Maybe that's for a PM!

Anyway, The hotel have a p.a that plays background music, announcements etc through various rooms, via their ceiling speakers.

I'm thinking if I can tap into that without cables then I could select where I want the sound.


Just wondering if the sennheiser kit could be matched up, frequency wise.

I will have a go tomorrow, but I don't fancy climbing through my speakers, racks, stands lighting 'n' stuff tonight to get to what I want!


Why is the one thing that you want at the back of everything else? :)

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IEM TX and a radio mic RX will work together without any problems.


I have done countless gigs using this setup to transmit across a venue to remote PA systems and HiFis. The only thing to watch is to not over modulate the transmitter as it will sound sh!te. It is also beneficial to use a decent aerial on a stand well above bodies that could soak up the RF.


For extra gain use yagi style aerials and decent coax. There are of course the usual caviats regarding licence and exceeding the ERP of the transmitter.

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