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WYSIWYG Import Floor Plan position


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Hi guys - Using WYSIWYG Reporter R23. I have the theatre already included in my model, and the set designer has sent updates to his drawings which I would like to display as a floor plan to help me align my model. It imports fine but appears miles away from everything else. I can move my drawing to it, but don't seem to be able to move the floor plan to where my drawing is or set where the floorplan will go when I do the import. Can anyone confirm this is correct, or if there is a way of getting the floor plan where I want?

Many thanks - Peter Vincent

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Hi guys - Using WYSIWYG Reporter R23. I have the theatre already included in my model, and the set designer has sent updates to his drawings which I would like to display as a floor plan to help me align my model. It imports fine but appears miles away from everything else. I can move my drawing to it, but don't seem to be able to move the floor plan to where my drawing is or set where the floorplan will go when I do the import. Can anyone confirm this is correct, or if there is a way of getting the floor plan where I want?

Many thanks - Peter Vincent



The Floor plan will import and be positioned on the 0,0,0 (X,Y,Z) coordinate. You need to make sure the Wyg drawing is on the 0,0,0 cordinate.

To scale the floorplan you click on 1 point and then another of an item you know the size to and then enter the correct zize when prompted.

For example If you know the width of the pros opening then click on one side of the pros then click the other side and then enter the distance between the two points it will then adjust the image.


Does that help?

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The Floor plan will import and be positioned on the 0,0,0 (X,Y,Z) coordinate. You need to make sure the Wyg drawing is on the 0,0,0 cordinate.

To scale the floorplan you click on 1 point and then another of an item you know the size to and then enter the correct zize when prompted.

For example If you know the width of the pros opening then click on one side of the pros then click the other side and then enter the distance between the two points it will then adjust the image.


Does that help?

Andy - thanks that makes sense. It is all caused by me not defining a venue first but importing the theatre drawing and extracting the floor plan where it was and building the model from there. I have moved my drawing to the origin then it only needed a small adjustment to put it onto each set drawing, which has worked fine.

Regards -- PV

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