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Which two blues for sky on cyc?


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My original plan was to follow Jonathan's advice of (4 x circuits of floods from above) 2 x L119, 1 x L079 and 1 x L201. This mix would probably still do it, but was just wondering if anyone had any better ideas, particularly for a winter sky?

Thanks -- Peter Vincent

Personally I'd drop the 201 as anything vitrually white will detract from the cyc rather than add to it IMHO. However, the best way to show the difference between winter and summer on a cyc is to use different cloud gobos for each. Stormy cloud gobos for winter and fluffy cloud gobos for summer will make a huge difference in feel even if the base colour is the same in both circumstances. Obviously you'll make the set and cast look different too but, for me, 2 or 3 circuits of 119 for winter and that plus the 079 for summer with different clouds for each would be enough to do a cracking job.


Bear in mind that every one is different and that's why we have Lighting Designers rather than just a book saying "this is how to do it"! :rolleyes:

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