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Simple Source Mixing


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Video is a new field I am exploring in my 6th form and have recently used sucsessful live video in my a level devised piece.


However in the main drama hall, there is a new projection system in place. Unfortunatly it has all been installed a bit badly. Meaning that laptops have to be far away from the presenter, but they can have them up close if no sound is required.


However, the projector romote only works when standing infront of it. Therefore when switching from dvd to laptop or camera, it required the presenter to do this manually.

What I am after is a simple cheap mixer, or switch system meaning that one person who is sat with the laptop can switch the sources from the back of the room ?


If this doesn't make sense I will try and re-word tomorrow.

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Cheap is of course relative.


If all of your sources are all of the one format (ie all composite, or all component), then you can just purchase little switch box. If they are all composite, a bit more (say under a grand) could get you a fairly decent little composite vission mixer. When you start mixing signal types (ie a DVD player (component), a camera (composite) and a laptop(VGA)) you start to get into the more expensive area. You can either scale the DVD and camera up to the same resolution as the laptop (using a scaler) and then use a VGA switch box, scan convert the PC down to composite and use a composite switcher with the camera and DVD player in composite as well (yuck), or you can go for the all in one style switcher - like the Edirol V4400, the or the DCS100 from Barco all the way up to your imagepro's etc... the better quality you want, the more you will pay. An alternative to look at is an IR repeter, which will allow you to move where the IR receiver is on the projector, or check the projector to see if control-S is an option - in which case you can run a lead terminating in 3 1/2mm jacks between the projector and control.

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Cheapest option would be to brief a friend when to flick across on the laptop/projector or cue up the sources for you.


Another option would be to talk to the IT department and see if they have audio and VGA extension cables so you can run everything from the front. If they don't and you are willing to buy them yourself then try VGA and Audio and select the length you require. You will also need a stereo jack to jack adaptor.

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Pretty much all projectors can be controlled via RS232 - with the right connector, a run of cat5 and a bit of programming, that might be an option. All of the projectors I've installed recently can be remotely managed over a network too; can you tell us the make and model of projector that you're dealing with? There may be other ways of controlling it besides the IR remote.
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well in this install I think the head and company clashed as the head wanted control from the front of stage, but the company did not leave the right leads to connect to our new 16/4 multicore from sound desk to the front of the hall.

Video cable is already at the front of the hall - which is direct to the projector, and another from the back of the hall, direct to the projector.


Im now seeing how complicated this could become.

Audio I think I have sorted by finding some jack to XLR adaptors for sound from the front of the stage.

However source switching and mixing from the back of the hall without the vga from the front of the hall to the back could be the problem.

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