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Epson rx500 'problem'


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I've got a 'problem' with my epson printer unit which I wondered if anyone could help with...


basically it makes a 'ticking' noise originating from the rear of the machine near the power inlet. It has done this since new. It ticks when the supply cable is connected with power on, but the unit OFF. The tick stops when the unit is ON and OFF after being ON, until the power is switched off at the wall. (if you see what I mean!)


I got onto epson, and they said that it shouldn't do this (ie they hadn't heard of it before) and eventually (after booking the WRONG day!!!!) they sent out an engineer who arrived this morning. He looked at the machine and agreed that it probably shouldnt do that, and said that it sounded electrical - probably the power supply - but he couldnt say for certain as the model is quite new, and he doesn't see very many of them!


He tried a replacement, but it did the same! There was no more he could do.


I got onto epson again, who have just agreed to courier out another replacement for tomorrow.


I have also spoked to an epson service center engineer, who is getting back to me - but yesterday agreed that the power supply had probably gone before I tried the first replacement.


Soon after putting the phone down from epson official line, the engineer rang who had come out. He said that he had spoken to his chief engineer, who said that the problem was normal and can be quite a lot worse on larger machines. I wondered if there was any truth in this....


I just wondered if anyone has any advice?


Thanks in advance,


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  • 4 weeks later...
Well, I would suggest the obvious, clicking due to a lose connection? You are hearing small electrical sparks? Try see if you can force the power cable ina bit further , sometimes it just needs an extra shove.
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It really is quite hard to even suggest what it could be without being there but it could well be a problem with the power supply when under low load conditions. Either some over voltage protection circuitry kicking in or some other problem. Sorry its not much help, I'm assuming its a switched mode power supply and there probably isn't too much to worry about.
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Guest lightnix

Surely if there's a problem (and Epson have admitted there's a problem), then it's down to them to sort it out and, if the unit is still under warranty, to provide you with a replacement if they can't. If the replacements don't work either then you can insist on your right to a refund.


Whatever you do, don't go poking around inside it too far, at best you'll invalidate the warranty, at worst blow yourself up.

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An update (sorry I have been away for a while...):


I did an 'online chat' with an engineer for a good hour when the replacement also failed to work. I got him to check their support records and he finally found this...


I am just looking through an escalation.  It appears this problem has been escalated before with a previous customer.  The tick tick noise is not abnormal phenomenon.  In fact, the the product is controlling the primary voltage of power supply circuit when power off and connecting to AC inlet.  The product is in power save condition even if power off condition.  At that time, the power supply circuit generate the 2 - 3 V intermittently.  The noise is caused from this.  You can hear the same noise on the RX600, RX500/510 too.  That is what was in the escalation.

He admitted that it was something new to him, and he will know for the future!


Clearly there is 'nothing wrong with the machine' despite that fact that the clicking is annoying! (I will just have to keep the machine on whilst at the PC)


Best Wishes,


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