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Best to leave a gap?


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Hi James

These all all unit that shouldn't produce much heat so will not require much airflow around them. They should be fine 'stacked' in a case.

If you are unsure relevant manuals will stress the importance of ventilation for cooling if it is an issue for the particular item. Generally the only common items that need good ventilation are power amps.


Hey you'll have a spare U in that 6U case for your next aquisition or for a patch panel!





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Hi James


+1 what Andy said


Power amps aside and sticking with effects rack gear, you will find compressors push out the most heat, particularly when you have a few of them together, they can get quite warm.


That said, if your rack has an open back for patching, I find that provides sufficient ventilation, alternatively add one or two vent dishes each side to assist airflow.



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you will find compressors push out the most heat, particularly when you have a few of them together, they can get quite warm.


Hmm - I've never noticed compressors being warmer than anything else. In my opinion it totally depends on the particular gear you are using. Older (80's) digital gear can get very warm but more modern digital gear uses much less power. Valve gear also gets warm so you need to leave space around it. Check your gear for heatsinks and ventilation holes and leave space around these.





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