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Jester desk problem


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I bought a second hand Jester 12/24 desk a couple of weeks ago which seemed to perform perfectly at first. I then noticed that the desk started up in the black out mode (blackout light on). I could only make the desk active again by reloading the show settings from a memory stick.


Last night I used it for the first time at a concert and it worked well for several hours and then put itself in blackout mode. Reloading the memory restored it only for the same thing to happen a few minutes later.


Has anyone had a similar experience? This is obviously a fault, but I would like to know if this is a common feature or a one off. I think it will probably need to meet its makers but any pointers would be welcome.



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This has me worried. I also bought a second hand Jester and tried to use it on a gig last night but couldn't get it to output any DMX... I think the flash buttons under the faders usually light up when raised when all is working? Wondering if it's a similar problem to what you are experiencing.
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I would recommend with any problem like this, your first port of call should really be to call the manufacturer - we are always happy to help, especially with a new product like this which would be covered under the warranty. Give Keith a call on 01633 838088 tomorrow and I'm sure he'll sort you out.
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Thanks for the suggestions chaps. I had upgraded the software from V 1.5 to 3.3 last week. I'm not sure when the desk was made or if still under warranty but I fully intended to contact Zero88 tomorrow. Its difficult though to make sense of these problems, especially when a problem occurs over a weekend and there is no proffessional support until monday morning. We can only try to releive our frustrations by discussing the potential problems within a forum such as this.




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  • 3 weeks later...


As Peter reccomended I called Keith at UK based Cooper Controls. He talked me through a few checks before deciding it needed to go to them for investigation. I sent it to them and the problem was due to a faulty control board. It was replaced under warranty. The desk now works fine.


A good after sales service is quite rare nowadays - full marks to Zero 88!

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