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MagicQ PC, Vista and Enttec Pro


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Hi all,


I'm hoping that there's a user of MagicQ PC under Vista 32 bit using an Enttec Pro interface that can point me in the right direction to get everything sorted!


I've installed the latest Vista 32bit 2.06.00 drivers from FTDI and update both the USB Serial Converter and USB Serial Port, set the Universe 1 out type to Enttec Pro, set the Com port to 6 (as per settings in Control Panel)...but still no DMX output to a test fixture (Abstract Colourflood with DIP#1 set to 1 - DMX channel 1) and a single 2 channel Abstract Colour head patched to Universe 1 DMX Channel 1


Now...either I've got the DIP switch settings on the fixture wrong ~ won't be the first itme! - or there's a driver-related communication problem between MagicQ PC and my Enttec Pro dongle.


The Enttec dongle appears to behave as expected on connection to the USB port - it flashes once but it does not flash at a steady constant rate once MagicQ POc is fired up. However, if with MagicQ PC running I remove then re-attach the dongle I get the steady flash expected.


Any help/advice appreciated.


Thanks in advance



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What are you running Vista on? I use a Velleman interface with MagicQ running on Windows XP and have to go through a set routine to get it to work. First I have to boot the laptop without the DMX interface plugged in. Once its booted up I have to run a piece of software that came with the interface, and only then can I plug the interface into a USB port. I can now run MagicQ.


The reason I need to go through these steps is because my laptop only has USB 1.1 sockets, so doesn't recognize the DMX interface when booting. Your interface may be behaving in the same way. Have you tried using a different machine?

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What are you running Vista on? I use a Velleman interface with MagicQ running on Windows XP and have to go through a set routine to get it to work. First I have to boot the laptop without the DMX interface plugged in. Once its booted up I have to run a piece of software that came with the interface, and only then can I plug the interface into a USB port. I can now run MagicQ.


The reason I need to go through these steps is because my laptop only has USB 1.1 sockets, so doesn't recognize the DMX interface when booting. Your interface may be behaving in the same way. Have you tried using a different machine?




Not much help I know, sorry, but I too am running MagicQ on two older laptops (HP and Acer), XP SP2, with USB 1.1 and Velleman interfaces. I have had no problems with either laptop, just plug up and fire up. I was curious to know what the software was that came with the Velleman interface as I have never loaded any onto either machine. I have also tried MagicQ out on my Vista laptop (Dell) with same interface with no problems.


Cheers, Gaz.

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Hi guys,


The hardware is an HP 6715 laptop - Turion 64x2 processor. The Universe #1 is setup properly (Enttec Pro) and I've yet to try the interface on another machine and/or O/S yet - I guess my task for tomorrow is to get the interface running under XP on another piece of hardware.

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Sorry I can't make any comments on Vista but I've never had any problems with the Enttec Pro and MagicQ when running XP (SP2 and SP3) on a laptop. I've used an ancient Compaq P3 600Mhz, various HP's through to my current Toshiba dual core and as long as the dongle is plugged in when I start MagicQ it has always worked. After Xmas I will probably be switching over to win7 at work so fingers crossed everything still works.


I am also running the latest DMX firmware (1.44) for the dongle which is shown as fixing some frame rate issues. If you have not done so already download the Utility program, this will give you a quick way of checking the connection between the laptop and the dongle and will check the firmware at the same time.

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