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New projector

J Pearce

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A church I look after the tech for needs a new projector. Old one was installed 7 years ago, was never as bright as it should have been due to budget restraints, and with age its got darker. The projector had a service and clean (including LCD panel) a year and a half ago to extend useful life, with good results, but there is some money available and the feeling is replace it while we can.


I can find another projector of a suitable brightness and resolution within budget no problem. The issue is its a very long throw, so has a special lens fitted. If possible we want the new projector to use the same lens (to minimise expense).



The throw is 11.5m, for a 2.4m (8') screen.


The only identifying marks on the lens are 'LCD Projector Tele Lens 112mm x5 ISCO Optic Germany', from memory it is a screw fit.


The old projector is a 2600 lumen (on a good day...) Mitshubishi something or other, I shall chase the model number up and post it up.


The new projector wants to be at least 4k lumen, 1024x768 or 1280x1024, supporting composite vid and VGA (preferably with VGA loop out).


Anyone able to help? (Mr McCrea??)

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What it costs.


Not looking at Barco or Christie quality, but in essence the job needs doing so within reason we'll spend what it costs.


I've seen suitable projectors in £1500-£2000 area, but I'm not clued up enough to know what projectors will take that lens, and the figures I've seen for a new lens eclipse the cost of the projector!

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That is the downside to long throw lenses - they can double the cost of the machine. However without seeing the type of mount I wouldn't want to guarantee that your existing lens would fit into a new machine, and then fit the optics of the new projector. That said it may well be possible to get a mount manufactured to take the lens in a new machine.
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Right, the projector is a Mitsubishi X490U.


The lens doesn't look to be a Mitsubishi lens as the only accessory lenses advertised for this projector are zoom lenses and ours is (or appears to be) a fixed angle. The only identifying marks on the lens is 'LCD Projector Tele Lens 112mm x5 ISCO Optic Germany'


Photos coming soon.


I'm getting the sinking feeling that we may have to abandon this and start from scratch. Oh how I love the installers that put the original AV system in...

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The lens is from http://www.isco.eu/ they are 'affordable' optical quality (ie not very good) also the fact its a prime makes it a lot cheaper than were it to be a zoom lens with the obvious issue that the projector must be in exactlly the right position.





Personally I'd favor a better lens / projector combo. I'd suggest the Sanyo PLC-XT21L with the LNS-T11 lens - this will allow you to mount the projector in the same place as the current one and use your existing screen. Total cost with a unicol mount should be under £3000 +VAT -  not bad for a 4k lumen projector with ultra long zoom lens. If you want a brighter machine then look at others in the Sanyo XT range - they offer the best bang for buck IMHO at the moment. Sanyo also have the decency to stick with their lens mounting solutions for a decent length of time so in a few years when the new projector is worn out you can replace it with another sanyo which is compatible with the LNS-T11 lens. 

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Hmm, I think we have a fair few of those (X490U, some with the ISCO lenses) on our recently decomissioned pile at work.


We've been replacing these putting in Mitsubishi XL6600 or Panasonic F200s depending on room size at the moment.


I can probably have a look and see (if memory is right) if the ISCO lens will fit the new mitsi if you're interested in reusing it - I think the mount is similar. (For various reasons, I have a spare one of the original lenses sat by my desk!)




ETA: - We just ordered an extra long throw lens for a 6600 as the longest Mitsubishi one wouldn't do (very long, narrow & high room) which came from Navitar - it consists of two parts, an adaptor which fits to the projector, and then the lens screws into the adaptor. However... the screw thread on the lens is remarkably similar to the old Kodak slide projector mount. Maybe all those slide projector lenses will have a use...

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