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Good Online Sound Effect Sources - Dogs!


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Hey there, for a project I'm working on I need approx. 2 mins of angry dog barking, growling, ect ect, which an actor will be acting against.

Having spent the last 2 days trawling through free soundclip sites, and getting thoroughly fed up with everything I find for being the wrong kind of bark, low quality, or there not being enough of it, I thought I'd turn to you guys.


Can you reccommend any good royalty free sound effect websites? this is really my last port of call before I head down the local kennels with a microphone, laptop, and a pokey stick...

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Hey there, for a project I'm working on I need approx. 2 mins of angry dog barking, growling, ect ect, which an actor will be acting against.

Having spent the last 2 days trawling through free soundclip sites, and getting thoroughly fed up with everything I find for being the wrong kind of bark, low quality, or there not being enough of it, I thought I'd turn to you guys.


Can you reccommend any good royalty free sound effect websites? this is really my last port of call before I head down the local kennels with a microphone, laptop, and a pokey stick...


could you not edit the one that not long enough loop and copy and past into a different sequence

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Most of the good free sites have been mentioned, but don't discount the pay sites like Sound Dogs and THE SOUND EFFECTS LIBRARY. Both have huge collections and the price per effect isn't that bad.


Also, as has already been said, don't be afraid to take a short effect and edit/loop it. Similarly, if you have the facility in your editing software, I've had good luck pitch shifting barks to make them exactly the sort of dog the director wanted. Last time I did "Absurd Person Singular" the "large" dog was actually a medium size one pitch shifted downwards. This worked perfectly when I couldn't get exactly the bark the director wanted.



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many thanks for all your answers! I was already going to splice up whatever I found to fit the scene, so was never afraid to edit them!


bobbsy, thank you so much for the pitch shifting idea! the main problem I've had is all the barking I've found is too high-pitched for what the director wants. I now have a real dog arriving tomorrow for me to make bark (I hope!) if not it's back to editland...

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I Love The Freesound Project!


Accept for my own library and recordings, I just use this Project anymore for sounds I need.

Please participate and donate something, so that the project can survive!




then I use sometimes Sounddogs and findsounds as both mentioned already

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