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Big Jay

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Hey All,


I am currently using some VL5B units, something is a bit weird with the Colour Mixing,


I am not a trained VL user so im not going to attempt to open it up and look for things, I am just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem.


When taking the magenta fins past 50% it turns blue, and not just a pale shade of blue, full on blue, the other fins are fully open.


Any thoughts? is this a normal things with these units?




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I am currently using some VL5B units, something is a bit weird with the Colour Mixing,

When taking the magenta fins past 50% it turns blue, and not just a pale shade of blue, full on blue, the other fins are fully open.

Yes this is absolutely normal with the VL5b, and is how they are designed to work. The original VL5 dichroic colours make it somewhat tricky to get a steel blue - so the blue fins were replaced with a pastel blue set. The only way to get a 'real' blue is indeed through winding the magenta part of the way in. It's not possible to get some of the more saturated colours with the VL5b - but that's the trade off you make.


All in all they are working properly - with character!





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It's all down to the physics of how DichroTune operates.


None of the colour flags are actually the same colour as you wind them in - this makes for tricky colour fades, but the method gives some very nice colours.

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