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Wind Shields for SE1A's

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Hi Everone

Can anyone suggest a wind shield for a pair of SE1A's.

The problem arose the other week at an outside gig were I was using the mics for drum overheads.

The rest of the kit was gated, but I have no more gate channels available for the o/heads.

SE themselves don't do one, also I have tried the Sennheiser 614 one, but that is too small, the AKG ones look far too big.

Any suggestions.

Many thanks


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I found ONE OF THESE at Canford that fit well--sorry, I can't remember which size (and I'm about 10,000 miles from my mic box) but with a bit of use of a ruler you should be able to work out which you need.





Cheers Bobbsy for the fast reply.

That is absolutely spot on, I'm sure I will be able to find one that's going to fit.




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