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changing a broken S4 reflector


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Hello, I have a Source 4 with a broken reflector that I am trying to replace, I have never done this before and can't seem to find any info on the internet on the subject (only on cleaning the reflector!). I have taken the housing apart and I can get to the reflector but I cant see how it actually comes out, is it just a matter of brute force?!

any advice would be much apreciated


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Hello, I have a Source 4 with a broken reflector that I am trying to replace, I have never done this before and can't seem to find any info on the internet on the subject (only on cleaning the reflector!). I have taken the housing apart and I can get to the reflector but I cant see how it actually comes out, is it just a matter of brute force?!

any advice would be much apreciated



Not sure how much help my reply will be seeing as I'm not an expert in source 4's and someone else may know better in which case I'll bow to their experience etc.


Had a quick look at the PDF of the ETC manual for these, it's online, from the drawing it looks like there are 4 clips or protrusions inside the reflector housing to the lens end, I would suggest that these may either pull out as clips from the lens end or be fixed stops indicating the reflector goes in from the other end. I doubt brute force is the answer, try looking around the reflector for obvious clips and or stops. of course if you have a new reflector you could carefully break the old one to get it out and then work out the route for the new one to go in.

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thanks for that, I ended up smashing it to get it out and then managed to push the new one into the clips, it was a total pain though hope I won't have to do that again any time soon!
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Brute force is indeed the answer.


The general way to get a Source Four reflector out of the rear housing is to literally bang the open end of the housing onto a hard surface. The reflector then drops out.


If you're replacing it because it was cracked then it will usually break in the process, so wear suitable protective equipment.


- You can always call ETC directly if you'd like any help. 020 8896 1000

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