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Patching Wybron CXI scrollers on Strand 520


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I am hiring Wybron CXI scrollers on an upcoming show, and was anticipating having an Ion to program the show on. Unfortunately White Light are out of stock and are supplying a 520 series instead.


I've used the CXIs on Ion before (where they are patched via the fixture library), but never on the 520. I'm familiar with the syntax for patching a single-scroll scroller on the 520, but not with how to do it for a dual-scroll unit like the CXI. For a single scroll unit I would go: [scroller address] @ [channel] @ATT [no of frames] ENTER for example.


Any help from experienced 520 hands would be much appreciated!


Many thanks ;)

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The easiest way would be to create yourself an extra fixture in the FIXTURE.LIB file which has an intensity and two colour attributes. As well as the usual colour attribute (2) that's used when patching single-string scrollers, there's an attribute called 'Colour2' (44) to which you could assign the DMX channel for the second scroll. You could then either map that onto a handy encoder by editing the ATCPAGE.LIB file accordingly, or address it directly from the keypad using the syntax 1.44@<value> (assuming channel 1!).


Or ask White Light to sub in an Ion for you. Or rent one from somewhere else. ;)



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Ask White Light to sub in an Ion for you. Or rent one from somewhere else. ;)


They're doing me a very good deal on the hire price so I doubt they'll want to go to the effort - and list price from another hire company will put me over budget. So....


The easiest way would be to create yourself an extra fixture in the FIXTURE.LIB file which has an intensity and two colour attributes. As well as the usual colour attribute (2) that's used when patching single-string scrollers, there's an attribute called 'Colour2' (44) to which you could assign the DMX channel for the second scroll. You could then either map that onto a handy encoder by editing the ATCPAGE.LIB file accordingly, or address it directly from the keypad using the syntax 1.44@<value> (assuming channel 1!).


I'm off to read the ATC pages section of Rob Halliday's console tips :mellow: Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

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