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strand 520i help????


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Hey guys, I've recently taken over as lx technician at a small theatre and we have a 520i. I just have a couple of problems and could do with some help if possible, thanks in advace for anyone who can help!


1 - I have some scrollers running from the desk and want to set them to scroll by full frame only or step rather than smoth or continuous, does anyone know how to do this and if so any help would be gratefully received.


2 - There are certain things and menus that I cant get into on the desk (I.e access rights in advanced setup) and after looking at the help menus it seems I'm not down as the administrator and I guess the previous guy still is and so I only I have limited access. Does anybody know how to get in and change it so that I am the administrator, also then I can set up other users so they can op for me but not change certain stuff I dont want them to change, ** laughs out loud **. Currently I dont have to log on or anything at startup its just turn on and away u go for whoever uses it so there may have never actually been an administrator set up. I really dont know!


Thanks again for anyone that can help



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I think...


1 - I have some scrollers running from the desk and want to set them to scroll by full frame only or step rather than smoth or continuous, does anyone know how to do this and if so any help would be gratefully received.

when you patch the scroller follow the patch with @patch #of frames -1 - ie DMX address 2 is the scroller for channel 2 with 15 frames:


2 @PATCH 2.2 @PATCH 14


2 - There are certain things and menus that I cant get into on the desk (I.e access rights in advanced setup) and after looking at the help menus it seems I'm not down as the administrator and I guess the previous guy still is and so I only I have limited access. Does anybody know how to get in and change it so that I am the administrator, also then I can set up other users so they can op for me but not change certain stuff I dont want them to change, ** laughs out loud **. Currently I dont have to log on or anything at startup its just turn on and away u go for whoever uses it so there may have never actually been an administrator set up. I really dont know!

I think you rarely need the access rights thing, so it may just have never been used. I've never needed to go in there

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Hi, thanks for the reply. I do put in the frame numbers at the end when patching but I have a submaster set up on atts only to scroll through the colours and want it to just go from frame to frame a step at a time instead of running smoothly and therefore stopping on split frames etc whenever I stop moving the sub.

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when patching them


DMX 2 @PATCH 2.2 @ATT16 which gives you 16 scrolls,


when in live you can go


channel 2 @ATT 2 which will take you to frame 2, as for your sub, create 16 macros, or how ever many frames your scroller has, turn your flash button into macro triggers and that with give you each frame on each fader, thats the only way I can think of if you using subs,

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Hi, thanks for the reply. I do put in the frame numbers at the end when patching but I have a submaster set up on atts only to scroll through the colours and want it to just go from frame to frame a step at a time instead of running smoothly and therefore stopping on split frames etc whenever I stop moving the sub.


You won't be able to do that on a sub. The only way to get a scroller to bump from frame to frame is to address it with a command, either directly from the keypad or by using a macro. My favoured method is to use the sub flash buttons as macro keys, and assign my scroller frames to them - set them to MAC in the Sub screen, and use macros 101-124 for flash buttons 1-24 (301-324 for shift+flash).

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Bit long winded as your going to have to create the colour groups anyway, why not just change the bum buttons to macros and not have to type [@] [text] [###]


I agree with you, but, each one has to decide the best way to work, and that is only achievable knowing different ways of doing things.

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