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For the money, it's a pretty good deal and my experience with the MG series is that they're pretty reliable even in the rigours of several schools including the one my kids went to.


The pre amps, while not in the Midas league, are fairly neutral and nicely quiet. The built in effects have some nice useful settings based on the SPX boxes Yamaha make. The EQ is okay-ish, bearing in mind it's only 3 band with only the mid swept (but you aren't going to better that without spending significantly more money.


I have to say that I found the "one knob compressor" a bit of a gimmick and didn't use it much (but then I rarely use the really good compressors on much bigger pro boards on more than a few troublesome channels).


The USB is just an interface standard and shouldn't affect the sound at all...but the A to D driving it seemed fine when I used it to record shows a couple of times.


All in all, you could do a lot worse for you money...and I can't think of anything better without a lot more budget.



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