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I recently recieved schedule and call sheet for Xmas Show but with following abbreviations included which I cannot de-code. Sd and Sp.

Did a google and a 'Blue-room' but can't seem to find anything!


Thanks in advance. B-)

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What context are these abbreviations used? it might help if we knew how the word was used. Perhaps quoting the rest of the sentence. Sp could mean any one of a hundred things from SPelling mistake, to SPeed, Service Provider.

A quick internet seach yeilds 264 Acronyms for Sp and 185 for Sd

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What context are these abbreviations used? it might help if we knew how the word was used. Perhaps quoting the rest of the sentence. Sp could mean any one of a hundred things from SPelling mistake, to SPeed, Service Provider.

A quick internet seach yeilds 264 Acronyms for Sp and 185 for Sd



My Bad,


The context is simply ''Crew ( 2 f , 3 st, 1 lx, 1 SD, 1 SP) Its just a crew call in the Schedule.

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Guest lightnix

Why not just call or e-mail the person who wrote the schedule and ask them to explain their shorthand? B-)


That would make sense.
That doesn't automatically mean it's right, though :)
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I've seen this before..but a long time ago...

Could it be Stage Piano and Stage Dress ??

I very much doubt it! Because a) we've already pretty much established that it's probably a spot op, and b) it's in the context of a crew call for a Christmas show and a 'stage and piano' rehearsal (as distinct from a 'stage and orchestra' or a 'full dress') is a concept that's unique to the world of opera.

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Not just opera....

Perhaps not. But let's put it this way - in 16 years of working in lighting for opera, plays, musicals, dance, conferences, television and concerts, I've only ever encountered "S&O" and "S&P" rehearsals in opera. YMM, of course, V! :rolleyes:

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