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Flats Kits - does anyone make custom size?


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So for a weird project I need some flat's "diy" kits making (everything is being compiled in the uk then shipped to the other side of the world where we'll assemble it rather than trying to air-freight assembled flats) but in an "odd" size ratio of 6m x 1.3-1.2m and of reasonably good strength. Can anyone suggest anywhere that either has these in-stock or failing that can make them without charging me the earth?



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I'm sure most scenic construction companies would be happy to fabricate the components to make up the flats - pre drilled, mortice / tenons etc - to your specified size and leave them unassembled for you if you can't find an off the shelf solution.


in terms of cost, I don't know whether it would be much cheaper than getting them finished and ready to use - most of the work is in getting the bits ready to assemble, I would think. But there are plenty of scenic workshops, so you could shop around for the best price.

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Making a theatrical flat is not the most taxing thing in the industry, surley with a decent set of drawings a local joiner could have these made for a fraction of the price. Can the recieving venue not suggest a local craftsman?


I don't want to take trade away from the likes of Knave or Lancelyn, but it does seem a lot of effort and expense to haul some pre-cut and drilled bits of wood half way around the world.

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