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Need PS-10 advice..


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Hi, all.

I have consulted a couple of friends, but I am still a bit confused...


After a lot of thought I am downsizing from my beloved PS15 system with 2 LS1200's powered by 2 Camco Vortex 6 Amps for a PS 10 System with 2 LS500's.

(P.S-- I have a guy that wants to buy my PS15 system for £5000 and I am getting the feeling I may be letting it go a bit cheap-- The speakers need a bit of painting as they have been used alot and I have had them for nearly 7 years, but the system sounds awesome. --Any thoughts there?)


I want to avoid using the PS10 amp (The discontinued one) and I have had a look at the new NExo NXamp with the integrated controller, but I saw that it is based on Yamaha eee technology and that put me off.




I would ideally like to use a Lab Gruppen amp that could run the entire PS 10 system with 4 channels as I would really like to use just one amp, but I am at a loss as to which one would be ideal..


Also, is there a more attractively priced single amp solution that does not compromise quality?


And lastly --- If I had to go to a 2 amp solution what would your suggestions be..


The whole issue is keeping weight and bulk to a minimum...


Thanks again..



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NXamps are awesome, and a bargain too. If Nexo think they're good enough for their products then they should know!


Thanks for the reply IHF.. I am assuming that you have heard the NX in the wild.. I do like the fact tthat there is the NX controller on board, but having owned a couple of Yamaha amps based on the eee technology to run my PS15's and returned them forthwith, I was really gutted to see Nexo team up with them.. But perhaps I should have a listen..


I am looking at the Camco Vortex 3 Quaddro.. Any thoughts on that?

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When the NXamp 4x4 was first released a company I work for bought one. Nexo then realised that there was a problem with them and recalled them. We haven't sent ours back yet, and haven't seen a problem with it, and we've had it at least 2 years. I think this points that the quality control with them is very high.


Another company I work for has a Vortex Quadro. It's been back to the factory twice since new.


Buying anything other than NXamps to power Nexo these days (assuming new and you don't already have 241s etc.) is a waste of money.

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The reason Nexo NX amps are powered by yamaha is because Yamaha own Nexo.

I've had an NX4x4 out in the wild and it sounds amazing - I used it with GeoS12 initially which worked really well, then tried it on the PS15s and they sounded great too.

The 4x4 is maybe a bit extreme and the 4x1 more suited to your needs but it's definatley worth it, after all you could "borrow" your old PS15s back and run them from your own amp as, unlike the analogue TDs or the TDamps, you can run all makes of Nexo products by just changing the box type in the controller.



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The reason Nexo NX amps are powered by yamaha is because Yamaha own Nexo.

I've had an NX4x4 out in the wild and it sounds amazing - I used it with GeoS12 initially which worked really well, then tried it on the PS15s and they sounded great too.

The 4x4 is maybe a bit extreme and the 4x1 more suited to your needs but it's definatley worth it, after all you could "borrow" your old PS15s back and run them from your own amp as, unlike the analogue TDs or the TDamps, you can run all makes of Nexo products by just changing the box type in the controller.




I had no idea that Nexo was bought by Yamaha.. When did that happen?


I think, however, I am swinging toward your way of thinking and getting the one of the NX range..


P.S... In your opinion do I need to have two LS 500's or is one sufficient?

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P.S... In your opinion do I need to have two LS 500's or is one sufficient?


Depends what you're doing doesn't it. I would get two. The LS500 isn't amazing. Are you buying new? The PS10 and LS500 have recently been redesigned to PS10 R2 and LS600.



Thanks for that, IHF..


I wish that I could afford new, as I have heard from a reliable source that the new PS series are cookin... But alas I must buy used cabs and let the NX be my one bit of new..

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