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Digital Desks


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If I'm honest with you, no-one on this forum will be able to help you unless we have some more information about the situation..


If you can update the topic with the following information, we can have another go at helping:


- What will you be using the desk for? Studio, Live Orchestra's, Live Bands, Theatre?

- What budget do you have?

- Why digital? Would you be willing to accept suggestions for analogue desks?

- How often do you forecast the desks going out on hire?


Obviously there are a lot more things to think about.. I hope someone else will come along and give some more advice!

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If I'm honest with you, no-one on this forum will be able to help you unless we have some more information about the situation..


If you can update the topic with the following information, we can have another go at helping:


- What will you be using the desk for? Studio, Live Orchestra's, Live Bands, Theatre?

- What budget do you have?

- Why digital? Would you be willing to accept suggestions for analogue desks?

- How often do you forecast the desks going out on hire?


Obviously there are a lot more things to think about.. I hope someone else will come along and give some more advice!



Makes sense..


Most of our hires are for live band applications.

We are looking at anything up to 15K

We have a few analogue desks in house already, mainly Allen and Heath

We hire out at least three time a week.

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In that bracket my money would most likely be going on the M7, for live band work the Ls9 doesn't quite cut it. Not saying it's no good, but you'll miss things like the touch screen and extra channels one day and wish you'd gone with the M7.


On an engineer friendly note, with the Yamaha series being so widely used now many have gotten to grips with the them, so you can't go far wrong.



Not sure what the Digico SD8 finally came out at, I heard rumours it would be M7 price range, but haven't seen a price, so couldn't confirm. But worth a look if you're interested.


Presumably you have used a few digital desks? If not ensure you do, once you've narrowed it down, make sure you're comfortable using your choice, as there are enough around these days that you do now have choice.

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Very good point, I've seen M7's on Rider's alot more than LS9's and of course as Dunk has said you do get the extra few channels which do come in handy on bigger gigs..


The DiGiCO SD8 is a brilliant desk as to what I've heard (haven't had a live mixing oppurtunity yet!) so that may be something else to look at if you are willing to accept something other than Yamaha...

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In that bracket my money would most likely be going on the M7, for live band work the Ls9 doesn't quite cut it. Not saying it's no good, but you'll miss things like the touch screen and extra channels one day and wish you'd gone with the M7.


On an engineer friendly note, with the Yamaha series being so widely used now many have gotten to grips with the them, so you can't go far wrong.



Not sure what the Digico SD8 finally came out at, I heard rumours it would be M7 price range, but haven't seen a price, so couldn't confirm. But worth a look if you're interested.


Presumably you have used a few digital desks? If not ensure you do, once you've narrowed it down, make sure you're comfortable using your choice, as there are enough around these days that you do now have choice.


Thanks for that. Any idea on the durability compared to an analogue desk?

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The DiGiCO SD8 is a brilliant desk as to what I've heard (haven't had a live mixing oppurtunity yet!) so that may be something else to look at if you are willing to accept something other than Yamaha...


I think the DiGiCo maybe out of budget?

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With respect to all those touting their favourite desks (or desks they would like to become their favourite desks if they ever tried one) the OP has stated these purchases are for hire stock. In this case, you can't just consider the absolute quality of the equipment. You also have to think about the established user base of trained, experienced people. On this criteria, the Yamaha desks will win hands down.


That said, I think the OP has to go back to basics and think about what his company needs. There is a big price difference between the LS9 and the M7CL--his question is something like "should I buy a Fiesta or a Mondeo?". They may be from the same manufacturer but the price point and capabilities are totally different--so the question is unanswerable.


Yeah, I'm feeling grumpy tonight.



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We are looking to get a couple of new digital desks in for our hire stock. We were looking at the Yamaha LS9 and M7. Any thoughts.


Hey Tall Tim,


You'll see from my profile that I work for Digidesign and am also a working sound engineer.


While there is no question that Yamaha have a huge user base with the M7CL, I would urge you to check out the VENUE SC48.

It is a brilliant little console and is rapidly taking market share from all the other players at that price point.

If you are making a purchase decision based on ROI, then I think you would be wise to have a look at it.

Clair Brothers now own well over 100 of our consoles and Troy Clair is a very astute businessman, not given to making decisions on a whim.

VENUE was used on 60% of the top 10 grossing tours in the US in July, so clearly they are held in very high esteem worldwide.


Here in Australia the SC48 has generated an enormous amount of interest and is particularly popular because it offers smaller production companies an opportunity to buy a VENUE console which not only is file compatible with all its older siblings, but has exactly the same pre-amps and DSP, meaning that it sounds EXACTLY the same as all the other consoles in the range.


If I take my sales hat off for a moment, I can see that there are some great new digital consoles on the market, most of which I have been lucky enough to use on a show. But, despite this, I honestly feel that the SC48 offers amazing bang for the buck in an easy to learn package.


Go to the Digidesign website and download the standalone software. It is exactly the same as the console.


Here is a general link as well so you can check out the Videos and Webinars. Some great general info for engineers as well!



Good Luck,



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