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Hi All


For an upcoming production of Honk! at the end of act one there is a shadow of an old lady as ugly goes into the cottage.


the only way I can see to do this in the space that I have is to light a person from behind at the back of the stage with a gauze in front so the shadow is seen.




audience = stage = gauze = person = backlight


what sort of gauze do I need to create this effect? can anybody see any other way to create the same effect?




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If you just want to see a shadow then I wouldn't worry about a gauze. Any lightweight fabric will give you a silhouette. Gauzes are for more subtle effects such as bleed throughs. Although they CAN be used for silhouette work often you can see the performer behind the gauze as well as their shadow projected onto it. With the bonus that a piece of lightweight fabric will be FAR cheaper than gauze.

Another way would be to project the shadow of the actor onto an onstrage wall. So actor stands offstage with profile focussed onto them, also from offstage so that the actor's shadow is broadcast onto the stage space. Of course this all depends on your stage space.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi All


For an upcoming production of Honk! at the end of act one there is a shadow of an old lady as ugly goes into the cottage.


the only way I can see to do this in the space that I have is to light a person from behind at the back of the stage with a gauze in front so the shadow is seen.




audience = stage = gauze = person = backlight


what sort of gauze do I need to create this effect? can anybody see any other way to create the same effect?




We projected an IPRO IMAGE SLIDE with a SOURCE FOUR lamp



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