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Floating mics???????


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Assuming this is for WWRU (I just read the other post) then hanging mics over the set is hardly likely to work that well. It's a rock musical, so these mics used this way will do a brilliant job of picking up the loudest thing - which is not going to be the people singing. If you are intending to do the show hi-tec, as you seem to be doing with screens and kit - then radio mics close in is the only way to do it - certainly the only way to do it for the principals - the chorus will just have to sing!
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Thankyou very much!


I'm not very technically minded when it comes to productions. So I take on board (and understand!!!!!!!) what you are saying!


We have 4 radios and all the principals are headmic'd. Plus condenser mics too.


Do you think this will be enough... appreciating I need to get the choirs singing loud!



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With four you will have some unbalanced scenes, especially when you get to the later scenes. So the idea is that you have lots of headsets and just swap the packs?


What are the condensers for? The big problem everyone has is that the music needs to be loud - you got a band, or using tracks? - and the singers are never loud enough. If you want good results, then a good PA with proper bottom end and enough mics so that everyone in the scene can be 'up' will glue it all together. In many shows, the casual one or two line people just have to make do - but some scenes in this show are very busy.

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