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ETC Congo V6 Question


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Hoping someone can help me....


I've just updated my Congo Jr to V6 today and have encountered my first problem with the changes. I can't seem to proram a new preset to a fader using a combination of other faders on the master fader wing. The desk programs these automatically into a sequence instead of inserting the whole lot as one new preset in sequence 1, meaning if I wnt to use the fader I've just programmed I have to switch to the sequence it's decided to program into. This is extremely irritating, can anyone help me to rectify this? All I want is to do what I could before, and combine info from several faders onto one fader.


Thank you,



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There are three different ways to Record Presets in Congo:


1) [Record] - this puts the Preset straight into the Main Playback if 'Build Sequence' is turned on (default).


2) [Record]&[Preset] - this only records the Preset, and doesn't put it anywhere. (So you can decide what to do with it later)


3) [Record]&[Master_Key] - this records the Preset and puts it directly onto the Master.

In v6 this "Record Direct To Master" function gives you a few more options than you had before in v5.


The recording Popup you get now has three Tabs - "Record Preset To Master", "Record Preset To Seqence on Master" and "Record Preset as 'Return To' for Master"


If the Master is empty, it will default to recording just a Preset.

If the Master already has a Preset on it, it will default to recording the Preset as the next step in a new Sequence.

- Just hit the left arrow once to choose "Just a Preset" instead.


The reason for this change is to make it faster to build sequences (eg chases or multiple-stacks) on Masters.

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