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LED Fixtures - The Future

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Hello Chaps,


I've just been meandering in the dark and distant past of the BR and came across this, http://www.blue-room.org.uk/index.php?showtopic=458, and another thread around the page 400 mark,

and it got me wondering, lightnix, are you the George Orwell of the BR?


""As I said before, it's early days for this technology and new developments are taking place all the time. My own vision is that in twenty years time there will be LED moving lights which are brighter than the discharge ones available today, with all colour, gobo, iris, and shutter functions handled by one "LCD" type plate. They will be a third of the size and one tenth of the weight. You'll easily be able to run a 100 head system from a 13A supply and the power / data distribution rack for such a system will take up the space currently occupied by a twelve way dimmer rack""


Seriously though it does make you wonder what we will be hanging off the truss in another twenty years time to say that thread is only in 2003.


Makes you think, doesn't it?? ;)

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Indeed, my former boss changed our small room from 32 parcans to LED gear ... Ipix Satellites and some pixel par type (not pixel par but reasonable), and I was very dubious. But it looks excellent! And it all runs from a 16 amp socket! Its brilliant! I still need to get my head round programming it, as it was my first shot for some generic band states, but so far very happy.


The lack of heat also helps! I wouldn't want to change our big venue for them yet, unless they were pixel pars or equivalent, and a lot of them, but for smaller rooms, it really is the future. The only downside is on a fade to black - they aren't 100% smooth. But hey.

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As with any technology, few people will hit the nail on the head, and many people will be very, very wrong with their predictions as to what will happen next!


Would the operator/player of a Strand Light Console be surprised that we can surpass what they used to do with the press of one friendly button marked 'Go'?

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I dont think what Billy said is a million miles away from happening quite honestly. My bet, as well as LED, is on the reduced cost and ease of wireless DMX built into most fixtures.


Maybe not the 'disco-tat' end of the market- but certainly on the 'usual suspects' of moving lights.


What do you think ?

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