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Gobo Adapters?


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Hi there,


I had some custom gobos made up for my old Chauvet Q-Spots, these were 27mm in diameter with a maximum image size of 21.5mm and a depth of 2mm. I've now got hold of a couple of Chauvet Q-Spot 575s which have a diameter of 31mm, maximum image size of 22.5mm and maximum depth of 3mm (I plan to replace one of the rotating gobos). I'm looking to see if there's any kind of adapter that would allow me to fit these exisiting gobos into the new lights?


I reckon something like a metal ring 2mm in diameter to go round the existing gobo with a 'lip' to hold the gobo in place would do the trick. Has anyone ever used something like this or do you know of anywhere I could get this made up (preferably cheaply!)?


The gobos were expensive so I'd be loathe to have to pay another fortune to get them made up again just 4mm bigger!


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Can't you just swap the entire gobo wheel from one lamp to the other? Failing that, you could try wrapping the edges of your gobos in metal foil that people use to make stained glass windows. Try this stuff I found on ebay. You'd have to wrap your gobo several times in order to build up enough thickness, but it might work.
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