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Projector Screen Suppliers


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Afternoon all


We have a projector in our educational building, and we have an electric drop-down screen, which must be about 12ft by 8ft. However, I am recently getting a lot of requests for projections straight onto the cyc instead, which is about twice the size - a 21ft curtain with the appropriate width.


Our projector is 4,500 lumens, and over that width it looks pretty poor.


What I'm wondering is how much the cloth is a factor in this - I would be interested in getting a sample of some more appropriate projector screen material, with a few to possibly purchasing a more appropriate screen approximating the size of the cyc (depending on cost).


Does anyone know (or are) any good suppliers who might be able to help me with this?


Thanks, Tom

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A quick reply - Projector isn't really up to it at 4.5k lumens, doubt a projection surface will aid that much compared to a cyc. I'm sure others will be along with more helpful advice re screens and where to source them - my first port of call would be Rosco (only because I used to work for a Rosco dealership)



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I know it isn't, and I've recommended till I'm blue in the face that they use the smaller screen, but you know what drama teachers are like. At least I've weaned them off using it in productions, it's now restricted to lectures and video showings - but I'd still be interested to see how a sample would look at that distance (if at all different).
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