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Monitor Desk recommendations


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Mm you got me thinking about an LS-9 now.


Reading the Yamaha site it mentions the console can be remotely controlled whilst connected vie ethernet to a windows pc with the software running.


So if I was to get an ls9 for FOH could I connect it via ethernet to a lappy onstage to use as a virtual monitor mixer whilst it was being used at the console itself for FOH duties?




The monitor desks that have come through my venue this year are all .......... Yamaha 7's and 9's. It seems that the hire companies are just dumping their dedicated monitor desks and simply buying a single product that ca do all jobs. Most have used simple passive splits, and the guys opping them find the automation features a huge plus, and don't mind the different operational style. It does look like analogue dedicated monitor desks at anything other than stadium spec are a rare beast now. Second hand is a cheaper posibility, but a good old one isn't much cheaper than a new one now?
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as a monitor engineer dont do the p.c. from foh control you will need someone at the board to do the changes quickly not have band call to you at foh to let you know what needs changing. also make sure you desk can take all the channels most bands have iem,s in it somewhere and those people want almost everything in them.



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I don't often mix monitors but, when I do, one of my favourite ways is to use one of the slighly older Yamaha digital desks. Ones like the DM1000, DM2000 and 02R96 have a handy little button that toggles your main faders from being channel faders to aux (and, on the DM2K, MTX) sends. This, coupled with the auxes being individually switchable on a per channel basis between pre and post fade) makes creating a tweaking monitor mixes an absolute dream. Just leave the toggle in "Aux" position and switch among the various aux sends to create separate mixes for each monitor feed as easily as doing a FOH mix.

I know I'm a massive A&H advocate, but I'll mention here that the iLive excels at this. hitting mix buttons on the aux master channels lets you dial in input mixes readily like this into the faders. also, you can tap an input's mix button and change levels across the output faders :stagecrew: nothing new for this desk, just relevant to the OP's application.

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Thanks for all replies, love this forum.



I can see the issue of missing channels being a problem for IEM use, but over the summers gigs we've only had 1 band member use them, but I do take on board this will become a larger problem as gig sizes grow.


The original brief for a monitor desk is changing to an all-in-one solution for foh & monitors.....mostly caused by the problems A&H are having supplying the 2800 we originally looked at, 2 months wait at present.


So at the moment we're looking at the LS9-32 for FOH & monitor duty via a laptop on stage running the control software.


I've spoken to Yamaha who tell me its quite common for the desk to be used this way, is this the case or are they just trying to get a sale?


I get that a lappy wont give me the speed that actual console interface will but is it really that much of a problem?

Can the lappy be used with a midi controller mapped to the software?





as a monitor engineer dont do the p.c. from foh control you will need someone at the board to do the changes quickly not have band call to you at foh to let you know what needs changing. also make sure you desk can take all the channels most bands have iem,s in it somewhere and those people want almost everything in them.



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Mm you got me thinking about an LS-9 now.


Reading the Yamaha site it mentions the console can be remotely controlled whilst connected vie ethernet to a windows pc with the software running.


So if I was to get an ls9 for FOH could I connect it via ethernet to a lappy onstage to use as a virtual monitor mixer whilst it was being used at the console itself for FOH duties?



Yes, you can, we have done this. The good thing is that because the desk has 64 channels in 2 layers, then you can patch the inputs to both layers, and the monitor tech on his laptop can use one layer, and the FOH guy another. If you don't do this, then whenever the monitor guy selects a channel or PFLs or anything, then the same channel is selected on the console. If he's on a different layer, then it's almost like having 2 desks. The downside is that the interface is a little fiddly, but if you have a second monitor and a mouse, then it's quite workable.

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Ah thats great news, thanks. :stagecrew:


Any idea if midi can be used to map a few faders on the lappy?


I'm pretty much convinced its the ideal unit for the live sound & corporate av work we do, and hopefully a few dry hires locally.


Just gotta convince my bank manager the same now.


Thanks for all help and advice given.




Mm you got me thinking about an LS-9 now.


Reading the Yamaha site it mentions the console can be remotely controlled whilst connected vie ethernet to a windows pc with the software running.


So if I was to get an ls9 for FOH could I connect it via ethernet to a lappy onstage to use as a virtual monitor mixer whilst it was being used at the console itself for FOH duties?



Yes, you can, we have done this. The good thing is that because the desk has 64 channels in 2 layers, then you can patch the inputs to both layers, and the monitor tech on his laptop can use one layer, and the FOH guy another. If you don't do this, then whenever the monitor guy selects a channel or PFLs or anything, then the same channel is selected on the console. If he's on a different layer, then it's almost like having 2 desks. The downside is that the interface is a little fiddly, but if you have a second monitor and a mouse, then it's quite workable.

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There isn't currently a way to map midi devices to controls in Studio Manager - there should be, it would be fantastically useful, but at the moment you can't.


I really wouldn't recommend going down the route of laptop control for monitors. Remote control is useful for many things but this is a scenario where it would be a mistake. It is slow and cumbersome to navigate, and all too easy to make accidental changes with a mouse that cause dramatic alterations to mixes (and loud sustained feedback). If there really isn't the money to do it properly then accept a monitor mix from FOH. No incoming monitor engineer is ever going to think that setup is a good idea.


I am a huge fan of the LS9, it is a compact and well featured desk which is fine for monitors - but only when you have one physically in front of you.





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