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LX Symbols

Big Jay

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Hi Guys,


I posted a link on here a while back with symbols in jpeg. format, I no longer have these, thus the link no longer working as I now use Vectorworks. I have collated quite a few symbols which in the VW file including all of the Martin Range, a few VL's, ETC including S4 Revolution, Strand and many others. If you would like a copy of these, or a selection of AutoCad format please email




you no what to do, and I will be more than happy to send them.




P.S, Can you please actually tell me which format you want, just messages saying "Please Send" is no help <_<

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Hi Johnathon


When you say you have VW symbols, do you mean symbols you have created in VW or ones from the Spotlight library?


If it is the latter, there may be copyright issues about you freely distributing them


I would take up Piers' offer. I am keeping mine separate as they will form part of LD Assistant so I don't want to create confusion by having them hosted on several sites. They are currently 2D blaocks and 3D Blocks but I will be creating Hybrid drawings for inclusion in LD Assistant


All the best



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No, what they are, are freely available cad symbols which I have made more user friendly, I.e taking all the ridiculoud lines out and things that are to detailed and made them more useable, non of them are part of the spotlight library. they are all cads from manufactures websites and ones I have found around the web which I have made into symbols in VW and as said before more user friendly.


So just to make clear, some of them I have made and some are ones I have collated from Manufactures websites and taken out alot of the detail to make them into useable symbols.

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