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SANYO PLV-WF10 problem

Victory Hall

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Recently the projector has developed a distinct band in the image, approximately 25% of the height and at the bottom of the screen. As the unit warms up this becomes very obvious and then a bright green band appears in the centre of this band. After another while this is largely overwhelmed by pulsing purple bands to the left and after a while it stabilises. This all occurs in the bottom band.

I haven't been smoking anything and need to know if this is a bulb problem or some other component. Help please!

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First, just double check that it's not the source or input. It really doesn't sound like it is, but always better to rule out the obvious first.


After that I'd be sending the unit back to the manufacturer or local service centre. If it appears as an obvious band in the image, that is likely to rule the lamp out. Due to the way the light path works, it's unlikely to be down to a fault there. It does sound like LCD's are either on their way out, or the processing that drives them has had enough.

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