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looking for some advice, tips and things to watch out for regarding panto this year... ohhh yes I am!!


ok.. here's the set up... just got some bare information at the moment, as ive only just spoken to the producer..


Projector FOH... throwing out animated sequence of a dragon; which a single live performer [upstage of gauze] will interact with [performer will move SR-SL during sequence]


thoughts please on stuff like; gauze colour? lighting the performer? making it look magical and exciting....


cheers ;) ** laughs out loud **

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Which Pantomime specificly ?


Also, you may want to consider the projection angle to avoid shadows created on stage (never looks professional)


The animated sequence of the dragon sounds very impressive! :stagecrew:


Dependant on your budget and venue, you could use an actual flame machiene to really create the effect.


As for the magic and exiting part, Blue Green and Purple speak mystery in my mind but its dependant on how much of each you use.

If the performer is static throughout the sequence then a simple profile from a side facing angle would do the trick.


Smoke is a big thing to consider (especialy for dragons and magic)


The lighting behind the gauze should be minimal to avoid spoiling the effect by revealing the back.


Get back to me


(I did something like this a while back)

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Hi there MartinMan,


The OP is my partner heres a little more detail of the top of my head.....


The panto in Sleeping Beauty and the Dragon of Fury,


The performer positioned US of the gauze will not ber static, he will be moving as if he is interacting with the dragon.


His movements will in regards to walking will be in a staight line so there will be no reason to ligh the whole area US of the gauze, we hope.


Thanks for your help if you got any more suggestions please let us know



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So you're projecting onto the gauze, right? Do be aware that you'll get a double image - one on the gauze, one on whatever happens to be the next solid surface upstage of it. We had real issues with this a couple of years ago - the director hadn't been told by the designer that this would happen and hated it, yet we still needed the gauze effect at other times in the show. So some experimentation might be needed.....
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Rear projection could work better for you. Instead of gauze, have a 'real' projection screen, and the projector behind that. Most projectors have a "Rear Projection" setting, so that shouldn't be too hard. It would solve all your double-image problems, and you could light the actor from the FOH bar if required, too.
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So reverse the set-up and have the live performer infront of a BP Screen, hmmmmm, cheers for these great ideas guys, I think it will take a few sessions experimenting.


Loved the forkbeard fantasy stuff Jay.


Anymore ideas we could play with guys would be a treat.


again thanks for you help so far



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So you're projecting onto the gauze, right? Do be aware that you'll get a double image - one on the gauze, one on whatever happens to be the next solid surface upstage of it. We had real issues with this a couple of years ago - the director hadn't been told by the designer that this would happen and hated it, yet we still needed the gauze effect at other times in the show. So some experimentation might be needed.....

Drop a set of blacks in upstage of the actor? I've done loads of front projection onto gauze. With enough depth upstage of the gauze and a dark backing it can work perfectly well.

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