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Electrovoice Speaker Sounding "Dull"


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Hi All!


Can someone give me some advice? One of my EV RX212's horn tweeter is sounding slightly dull compared to the other one! I have swapped the dull sounding tweeter with a known good one and the fault remains with the original cabinet. Obviously I'm releieved at not having to fork out for a replacement DH7 Diaphragm but what else could it be.

The crossover board has a power resistor, a ferrite coil, a capacitor and a lightbulb, and some kind of (electromagnetic/klixon?) device I don't recognise. I've checked for soundness of solder joints, all is fine and there is no visual sign of deterioration. What could be causing this?

Like I said, the sound is only slightly dull. There is definately sound coming form the horn, just not as crisp as it ought to be!


Thanks in anticipation!



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in the EV SX300 they like using a polly switch (think thats what is called) little round disk shape.


if you over drive the HF it burns out (open circuit) but they put a resister in parallel with it (maybe a bulb this time) so it just sounds dull


have a look over the cross over and see if you can locate one.

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Thanks for the replies!

I checked for dust/debris and they are exceptionally clean (but thanks for the suggestion!)

I have taken the liberty of ordering some spare lamps! They are arriving tomorrow! Not cheap!!


Will let you know how I get on!



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Thanks for the replies!

I checked for dust/debris and they are exceptionally clean (but thanks for the suggestion!)

I have taken the liberty of ordering some spare lamps! They are arriving tomorrow! Not cheap!!


Will let you know how I get on!




Apologies if I've missed this somewhere, but why not swop the crossover unit from the "known good" into the "dull" to confirm or deny.





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Changed the lamp... still got the problem! ;)

If there's sound coming out of the tweeter then that wouldn't be the issue - the lamps essentially act as fuses, the idea being if you push the tweeter too hard the filament in the lamp should fry before the tweeter. Spares are always useful though so not entirely wasted on that front ;)


+1 on the crossover advice above - can you not just swap them over? I've no experience with that particular cab though so apologies if that's something that can't really be done!

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This will not be a poly switch issue, I've come across this before on a number of occations, you need to get the components checked on the xover board, get someone to run a signal generator into both xovers and have a look at the results using a scope.


The components ie resistors and caps you can normally get from RS components or CPC, however inductors can be a job to find.

I did find a place in Lincoln but I cannot remember details they they will custom wind these for you but will need the value's ....

EV will provide diagram of xover which will include all of the info required.


Hope you get the issue sorted

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Thanks again for the input!


Thanks for the polyswitch pic! The component I have looks more like a relay. Its black, about 30mm high, 30mm long and 10mm thick!


I know that some types of capacitor can deteriorate, they "look ok" , but might it be worth changing them as they'll be relatively inexpensive???


I have swapped the tweeters over, but not the actual crossover boards... this could eliminate contamination in the bi-amp switch, so I may try it!


Thanks for the advice once again! Will keep you posted!



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