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Controlling a Desk with PC


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I just bought myself a Soundcraft Ghost LE 24 channel 8 bus desk, may I add I got it for a bargin at £800 with no faults on it whats so ever.


I was wondering would anyone be able to tell me what equipment and software I need to control this desk with a PC windows based ?


Thanks Very Much !!!

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The midi implementation on these desks was usually used to provide control of a hardware recorder - think Alesis ADAT or Tascam. So you could use the mixer to start and stop the recorder and do drop-ins. You could also link it to a sequencer and then control the channel mutes via midi. It had plenty of other sync features using MTC.


The only thing is that from memory, the difference between The Ghost and the Ghost LE was ....... no MIDI on the LE. I could have remembered this the wrong way around, but I don't think so. Is there a little panel above the group faders? transport buttons and a jog dial.


They were nice desks, just a bit long in the tooth now, but we had one in our college studio for a while and it was rather nice.


If you are hoping to control an LE with a computer, then I'm afraid you have a snag.

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