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Processing unit to use with RCF active system


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Hi guys, new to this but seems a pretty good forum site, anyway...


I've recently bought a RCF active system with 2 x Art 705's and 2 x Art 725's. They sound great but thinking I should also get a processing unit to get the best out of them. I've been looking at the dbx DriveRack or Behringer DCX2496 Speaker Management System.


Any advice on what I should go for?





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I've recently bought a RCF active system with 2 x Art 705's and 2 x Art 725's. They sound great but thinking I should also get a processing unit to get the best out of them. I've been looking at the dbx DriveRack or Behringer DCX2496 Speaker Management System.


Any advice on what I should go for?


Not going to start slating Behringer here, because the DCX does what it says on the tin for a resonable price, but seeing as you have spent some decent money on your RCF boxes I would say to spend decent money on a DBX or equivalent.



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Thanks for the replys!


I was thinking more the dbx DriveRack, at a second hand/ b-stock price both the behringer and dbx unit are around the same price. I don't have much experience with sound processors, would a dbx DriveRack be around the best for that kind of money?


Also, it would'nt cost much more to buy the dbx driverack over a decent GEQ, and I could use the driveracks crossovers which I suspect would be better than the crossovers inside the active speakers?



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No sure I follow your post....


You could use a drive rack full range and only use graphic/RTA feature, but try to keep things as simple as possible, RTA's can be a good starting point but they are only a rough guide..


With active speakers protection and xover is all done for you unelss you are using passive tops and active tops or the other way around............


Hope that helps

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do you even know *why* you want to buy a LMS? like people have already said, all you would really need is a stereo 31 band graphic EQ. but then you'll need to learn how to use that, too. might be better off learning a bit more about the subject before diving in buying stuff to supplement your setup, as opposed to having lots of gear you bought because you could, then lacking the knowledge in how to use it.
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If you think the RCF DSP is bad, wait til you try the cheap DBX's :)


On a serious note though, you wont get away from the inbuilt crossovers anyway, even if you put another one before it you'll still go through the inbuilt ones aswell, which are perfectly good enough. Unless there are other boxes to this system, which require signals that are shared with the RCF's, then I'd scrap the idea of an LMS and just get a decent graphic EQ.


I can't recommend the LA Audio offerings enough.

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Ahhh, didnt think about the problem of not being able to get around the RCF crossovers (blonde moment)


Ok, so the crossover function would'nt really be much use, but would'nt I gain from the other features of the unit?


The way I'm seeing it is that a half decent GEQ is goin cost arond the same price as I can get a b-stock dbx driverack and so maybe I would'nt use all the features but there always there to use with other speakers/PA's.


So, bearing all that in mind lets keep it simple, what exactly should I get to go with this system? Just a GEQ or if I can get a cheap dbx driverack?...or other advice

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