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Active Crossovers????!!!??!?!?!?


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I am in the market for an active crossover system. I have been looking at the Ecler Universal Crossover Module and a few others, however it is all a bit greek to me, having had little experience with them. Basically I need to drive two subs from amp 1 and two

mid-high cabs from amp two.

So, do I need a Stereo / 3 way crossover or should I go for a 4 / way mono with stereo option? please help <_< ! Oh, by the way, does anyone out there have experience with repairing Carver power amps? I have a pm1200 that has died.....



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You need a two way crossover. If your system is stereo, you need a stereo two way.


So, left & right go into the crossover, and you get low left & right + hi left & right outputs. You'll set the crossover frequency so that the mids are included in the hi outputs (maybe somewhere around 100Hz).


Does that help?

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You need a two way crossover. If your system is stereo, you need a stereo two way.


So, left & right go into the crossover, and you get low left & right + hi left & right outputs. You'll set the crossover frequency so that the mids are included in the hi outputs (maybe somewhere around 100Hz).


Does that help?



Yes indeed! You have made it sound so simple.... Thanks very much... Can you recomend a fairly middle of the road / higher end model? Basically, I dont want to be replacing cheap gear later down the road.


Thanks again...

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DBX 231.

The DBX 231 is a 2 channel graphic EQ, and has no crossover or LMS functionality whatsoever, and thus is entirely unsuitable for this application. It is also a particularly unreliable and nasty sounding EQ at that.


If I were you I'd buy a Loudspeaker Management System (LMS) because they give you more tools to get a good result with - good ones include the behringer dcx2496 and the dbx driverack px. If you want a simple crossover then good budget ones include the behringer cx3400 and dbx 234 xl.



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