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Do outdoor fresnels exist?


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I am asking on behalf of a friend who, for a fairground sign, needs a square of light pointed at certain area on a sign. Basically a fresnel with blades, but for outdoor use. I was wondering if such a thing exists?


I have suggested some cheap halogen floodlights along the bottom pointed in such a way to reduce overspill but he would quite like an evenly spread light without it lighting the border around the sign.

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How much does he have to spend? I'm sure they do exist but they may be very pricey! What about something like an ETC S4? I've seen these used outside very regularly - a lot in American theme parks whilst on holiday - or is there a specific reason it has to be a fresnel?
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He was asking this question on my behalf.


Allow me to explain in more detail the situation:



I have a large sign (one rectangular panel) with hundreds of small flashing lights around the outside in the formation of a border. (i.e. there is a frame around the side that is 3 lights thick. but only around 3 sides (all but the bottom).


In the middle of all the lights is a banner advertising the fair.


I need to light up the banner sufficiently such that you can see the banner very easily and would like the light to be spread evenly over the banner so that it doesnt look too naf, i.e. I don't want lots of darker and lighter patches.


The light also need to fit the banner exactly so that it doesnt spill out over to the lights on the edges which would spoil the effect of those flashing.


It also needs to be waterproof as this will be used outdoors.


Not sure how much I'd like to pay. as little as possible, it depends how good each solution will be really.


Another issue is that it can be placed pretty much anywhere on the sign with whatever frames etc.. necessary but musn't block either the lights or banner from view. Meaning it should be able to cover the whole of the sign from a very acute angle with an even light spread if possible.


With this kind of technology available in data projectors there must be a simpler product/s out there.


Please can you give me rough prices, any relevant sites to buy them and as much advice as possible.



All help is much appreciated,





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What's the throw distance from where you'd be hanging your fixture to the sign? I agree that a profile would be the neatest way to do this, as you can shutter in, but you'll need a bit of throw distance to get the size. A fresnel would work, but so would a couple of pars (all with outdoor connectors please - lets not have anybody zapped), but again, you'll need some degree of throw between the two.

Failing that, you could use two floor cans (par 64s with brackets for floor mounting if you didn't know), and you could pop a set of barn doors in the to tidy up the spill. I'd cross light these (one shone from either bottom corner, aimed across and up at the far away top corner). This would be an option of you didn't have anywhere to rig fixtures to get the distance. Do remember though that those get feckin hot, so make sure nobody will be going near them.

worst case scenario - the floods would be fine if you have enough.

also - hire them. don't buy. If it's a one off thing you don't need to. Max £20 per fixture if using profiles - and that would be a high price.

Let us know what you go with - it bugs me when people don't get back to you with what they chose and why.

Good luck.


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What's the throw distance from where you'd be hanging your fixture to the sign? I agree that a profile would be the neatest way to do this, as you can shutter in, but you'll need a bit of throw distance to get the size. A fresnel would work, but so would a couple of pars (all with outdoor connectors please - lets not have anybody zapped), but again, you'll need some degree of throw between the two.

Failing that, you could use two floor cans (par 64s with brackets for floor mounting if you didn't know), and you could pop a set of barn doors in the to tidy up the spill. I'd cross light these (one shone from either bottom corner, aimed across and up at the far away top corner). This would be an option of you didn't have anywhere to rig fixtures to get the distance. Do remember though that those get feckin hot, so make sure nobody will be going near them.

worst case scenario - the floods would be fine if you have enough.

also - hire them. don't buy. If it's a one off thing you don't need to. Max £20 per fixture if using profiles - and that would be a high price.

Let us know what you go with - it bugs me when people don't get back to you with what they chose and why.

Good luck.



I need it to be outdoor-proof, as small as possible, I don't really want any bulky things hanging of the sign (It's an A-frame advertising board trailer). It needs to be mounted onto the trailer somehow as it will be on whilst driving around. It shouldnt be in the way of anything. Shouldn not be able to fall off in transit along motorways. Although people arn't supposed to touch it they might do so should be too hot if it needs to be mounted at the bottom. It needs to be fairly low power ideally less than 5 amps in total. as it is going to be run on a small generator together with the other lights.


Also needs to be as cheap as possible. Would it be optimistic to find a solution for less than £60?


The square of light needs to be 16ft by 10ft and the light can be placed 1.5ft away from any edge of the square and as far away from the square (at right angles to the plane) as needed for it to work. i.e. I can build pretty much any kind of frame the the light would need.


Do you genuinely think I could get some cheap spot lights from B&Q and some 'blades' from somewhere and pull it off?


Also, could ou try and translate from 'technician language' to 'consumer language' for me please as I'm not very clued up on this kind of thing.






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It's going to be on whilst driving around?? Ok, then fresnels are OUT. Too fragile in the bulb dept.


What about LED? It's low power, cheap(ish) and easy to use. You could put an LED baton or two along the bottom, and uplight it like a CYC cloth (back drop on stage if you aren't a theatre bod.)

American DJ would be your friend there as they do cheap stuff that works well.

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  • 6 months later...
Let us know what you go with - it bugs me when people don't get back to you with what they chose and why.



Basically I used some cheap floodlights. which sort of works. it's not great but the price difference for all alternatives is much higher.


Just fitted them this morning believe it or not :-)

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