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Bullfrog fader replacement


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Someone somehow has managed to bend a couple of the faders on preset b of our BullFrog. One of them now doesn't work and I would like to replace them, so have some questions:


How can we get hold of a couple of replacment faders, and how much would they be?

How easy are they to get at to replace (mechanical disassembly etc).

How much would it cost to get them replaced at a repair agent (I'm in Watford, but can ship the flight cased desk if necessary)


I'm very handy with a screwdriver and a soldering iron, but short of time! I would happily undertake it but don't want to open up the desk then find I need to do masses of disassembly just to get at the damn things!


Has anyone dug in to one of these desks? Any guidance gratefully received (PM if appropriate).


Thanks in advance.



Technical Director

Pump House Theatre

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I believe the fader cards are similar to the Sirius range which are relatively easy to get to and cheaply available from Zero 88.


Your best bet is to call Keith Rogers at Zero 88 (They now answer as Cooper Controls) on 01633 838088. The guy is extremely helpful. :unsure:

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