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Running a powered sub with passive tops KV2 EX2.2

Steve Thomas

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Currently have a fantastic Martin Audio Blackline F12 S15 rig (2 of each) but need to reduce the Subs in terms of physical size due to car constraints. Really like the idea of a really good compact sub and see the KV2 EX2.2 as a possible solution. Would it be compatibale to replace the S15 (is it good to mix and match systems) and would it simply be a case of taking a signal from my BSS Crossover direct to the sub as opposed to (currently) going to my power amp and then the martin sub? My application is 5 piece pop covers band (bass, drums, keys, guitars and vox) playing hotels and marquees with audiences between 150 and 300 people. Also 1 or 2 subs? Finally any other good subs that fall into the good quality but compact size. I'm not looking for thunderous drum and bass just a good amplified sound to my target audience as my other option is to keep 1 Martin S15 sub with the 2 F12's
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