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Scream Movie Voice Changer

Gareth Owen

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Anyone remember the movie Scream?


In said film the bad guy used a handheld box to create a crazy on-the-phone type voice. You can buy these boxes over the internet but they are a bit naff.


Does anyone know of a TDM plugin or peice of outboard gear that creates EXACTLY this effect? Failing that, opinions on the best way to create said effect with generic units would be most helpful!


I've been playing around with boxes and software for hours and can only get about 80% the way there...


FYI - It needs to be used live, ideally running as a plugin on a Digidesign Venue...

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I think it's probably just a matter of keeping at it with what you have to get the other 20% - the effect in Scream would almost certainly have been done in post, probably even with a Digi product! I'd imagine it's just going to be a combination of pitch-shifters with varying balances, perhaps you'd want to add in a chorus or flange effect to give it a bit more depth. I know that's not the answer you wanted, but I doubt the effect itself in the film won't have been something 'off-the-shelf', but something the designer put together himself. :unsure:
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I remember reading something (quite possibly an advert) in audio media that does this, I believe it was designed for the film industry and thats all I can remember. And irritatingly my house mate decided to clear the bathroom and chuck out my pile of magazines that I had in there... (I personally think audio media makes good toilet reading!!)
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