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Macs And reset


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How do you set a mac 500 so it wont accept a DMX signal to reset it self. as one I am using for a show seems to think I keep telling it to reset. Looked in the manual and could not see anything.





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How do you set a mac 500 so it wont accept a DMX signal to reset it self. as one I am using for a show seems to think I keep telling it to reset. Looked in the manual and could not see anything.






In short you cannot (as far as I recall). The control channel (reset on Strand 500's) controls lamp on or off, reset unit, etc etc by requiring a DMX level to access the various control parameters on that channel. I would check that you are not firing a reset command in your programming, and then check to see if the MAC is working correctly.

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From the Mac 500 manual page 27

If DMX reset is disabled, a reset command may be sent if color wheel 1 set to cyan 401(144-148) and color wheel 2 is set to red 308 (157-160).


So it IS possible to prevent an inadvertent reset. See page 13 for the personality setting info (SPEC/dRES OFF = Disable DMX Reset)


But - the fundamental problem you have is that you are sending a DMX value between 208 and 217 on the Shutter, Strobe, Reset, Lamp On/Off parameter.


Most likely this is because you have a change which is going from one of the values below this to one of the values above it or vice - versa in a time other than zero. Perhaps you are using one of the shutter open settings in the 218-247 area and a strobe command in the 50-119 area. Look for attribute times other than zero.

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Despite what Mac500 seems to think (ironic, given his choice of username :)) it's got nothing to do with the brand of lighting desk you're using. As Lee says, go into the SPEC menu and set dRES to OFF. This will stop the unit responding to DMX reset commands unless a very specific set of other conditions is almost met (to act as a kind of 'emergency override).


As Lee also says, look at your programming, too - the only things that are at values above the 'reset' command are the 'lamp on' and 'lamp off' commands - neither of which you'd need to have anywhere in your cue stack other than at the very beginning or the very end. if they do appear anywhere else, then it's likely that you've made a boo-boo with your programming somewhere along the line!

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The reason why I asked about the lighing desk was to do with the programming of them.

If he's programmed the shutter value to high and is going through the reset value that would be why its reseting.

I still maintain that the desk is irrelevant - it's perfectly possible to get it equally right or wrong on pretty much any desk. Anyway, he's had his answer now, so let's move on.

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