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Masterpeice S.U.A.L

Will Perkins

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I think its somewhat dependent on the version you have. If I recall, there are 3 different version. If you find the user manual online, there are the relevent pages in there with the codes on. If I recall, the one we had was 5,4,10,9 I think.



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It may be wise to edit your post to not actually include the code. I know it's in the manual but I'm sure people that have setup masterpiece's in venues that are meant to be locked down would prefer the code not google searchable. I will PM Will with the correct password
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Thanks for the help guys, unfortunetly neither code didn't work, and displayed "fail" like it has done for every code I've found so far :-(.


When I hit the SUAL button, the masterpeice briefly displays SUAL, but then shows "code". I presume this is the same thing (and not a custom code the previous user has set up?)


Thanks for your help.

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Well, the horse has long bolted, Google wise - plenty of info - but I did find one bit in the official manual


12, 6, 7, 1. (however, I note the manual date is 1991! It does say however that the security code has a fixed value.)


While the sentinment of making lock keys private makes a lot of sense, if the code is in the manual, then it's just a low level, casual button prodder lock, and we shouldn't be too worried. If somebody goes to the bother of finding the code, then they're probably not going to deliberately wreck the programming (well, maybe not?)

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Pulsar wrote the manual back in 1991 ish and then every software update is placed at the front in the form of a manual update so look for SUAL code in the manual updates at the front (get latest manual from pulsar website it's free)


I would reccomend a call to Pulsar anyhow they I believe are running ver 3.03 if you dont have the latest version software they will send you an update chip which will make your mastepiece the best it can be. and this is all free of charge.


make sure you know which vers your running when you call this way they can give you the sual for your current unit.


Im back at work tommrow if you need these codes and can't get any luck with Pulsar PM me.

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