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Tas Mini Ultrascan circuit diagram or spare boards needed


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Hi Does anybody have a circuit diagram for some TAS Mini Ultrascans I have 2 units both of the MK1 variety (non rotating Gobo) with faults.


Can anybody also tell me if they have ever modified a Mk2 board to work as a Mk1 as I have loads of spare boards for Mk2 but none for the MK1.

there is obvious differences in the Mk2 only having one optical sensor so it's linked on the board where the second sensor should be.

but there is some additional voltage regulation on the MK2

and the processor would be different but we can change that

just wondering if anybody has ever done this ?


I would also be interested if anybody has some old boards kicking around



Ps we have swapped the boards from a known working unit so we know it's not a stepper problem but 100% a main pcb fault

we have diagnosed as far as poss changing driver chips but it goes further back than that any circuit diagrams will be apreciated.


have asked coemar/tas awaiting responce but thought I'd ask here also.

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