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Truss Wall Plates


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Hi All


I have been asked the question about putting trussing into a building.

They originally wanted to put in a scaff bar but with the distance it would bend far to much!


My idea was to use a length of box truss. Due to the building it cannot be hung from the roof and due to space cannot be floor mounted.


Do people make wall plates to install truss with?


Ideally I would like to use Eurotruss FD34.


Mant Thanks



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Hi Sam


Would it be a option to use bolt fit truss or at least bolt fit truss at the each end of the span ?


Depending on the wall material, thickness and quality of the wall it could be possible to bolt straight into it from each end of the truss.


A small drawback would be a 30% lower loading capacity compared to normal quick fitting truss. 


I do know that Litec sells this type of truss, but im unsure if Eurotruss does. If you give Eurotruss a call im sure they would be glad to help you to and suggest a solution that would fit your need.


Link to image of bolt fit truss from Litec http://www.litectruss.com/files/img_1477.jpg

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This can be done, but would require the services of a structural engineer to assess the load that can be placed on the wall.


I would ask for a shoulder joint to be designed.


A vertical plate is bolted into the wall, with a top horizontal plate (the shoulder) welded to this vertical plate (and strengthed using gusset plates). The weight of the truss rests on the top horizontal plate and can be safely located using aluminium scaff half couplers.


This allows the engineer to cheaply design in some horizontal tolerance in the overall length of the truss.





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New Thought!


If I can convince them to go with a goal post set up rather than bolting into the wall how does this idea sound.


Have a vertical leg either side of the stage with scaffold outriggers on them - a bit like what opti do for trilite?


Other than opti does anybody else make these with 52mm couplers to fit truss?



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check out the theatre royal bury st edmunds - this sounds similar to how their entire flying system works (unless it was all changed in the refurb - I haven't been in there for a while). theirs is a 4-legged set-up, as is the truss based flying system at the Dome in Brighton.


with only 2 legs, you could probably fix back to the wall for stability without putting so much stress on the building structure, as the loadbearing element would be the goalpost legs. (but advice of structural engineer still required)


or pursuade them they need 4 legs, and gain three more horizontal rigging positions!

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