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Sony EVI-D70 + Sony Anycast = Issues?


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Hey All:


I am hoping someone here has some insight into some issues that have been plaguing me for a bit now. I have been using Sony Anycasts and four or five Sony EVI-D70's in several mobile kits that we ship all over tthe world for mobile video productions. The Cameras and Anycasts are always packed carefully away in foam padded road cases for transport, the cases may end up being banged up butt what's inside is always well protected. But over the past year we have seen issues developing with the cameras and I am wondering if it could be related to the anycast or something else and more importantly if anyone has a way of fixing it.

It starts out like this, the anycast and the hard drives are set up but the anycast isnt turned on. The cameras are then set up and connected via visca and s video. and then the anycast is turned on. The cameras are then plugged in one at a time. Often one or more cameras will go into standby mode. Repeating the turning on/plugging on process might fix some of the cameras but some times it doesnt, and no matter what I do the cameras stay in standby mode. We bring the cameras back to our office and try connecting them to a DV deck and using he remote control and again sometimes the cameras will work and sometimes they wont. When we take them to the shop to be repaired sometimes we're told that there isntt anything wrong with them.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Does anyone have an idea of what it could be? Does anyone have an idea of how I cant, when on the road< diagnose if this is a real problem or not. And lastly and more importantly is there anyway I can fix this problem when on the road.


Any help would be greatly appreciated

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I would mention the auto standby function these cameras have but I'm

sure you will have checked that so..


The 1st thing that strikes me is the cameras are not made to be 'on the road'.

sony call them "PTZ Sony camera dedicated to the video conference market"


'video conference' says to me, camera fixed to a wall in a board room

not shipped all over the world for mobile video productions.


I'd say it's the cause of you problem, even in cases they will be bounced a lot.

Think how jarring it is to you when a plane lands. I'm not surprised your cams don't work.


I don't think any of the sony ptz range even the the top of the range 3ccd

devices will stand up to being on the road especially on planes.


We use Panasonic e800 cameras with the pany aw-PH300 moving heads. We've never had one go wrong


If you look at moving lights for the concert industry. They are made for the road

they are big, heavy but still go wrong a lot and need servicing after every use.


Your cases. Are they sprung? Does the kit fit snugly or is there a gap around the kit?

this kind of kit needs to fit snugly and have soft and hard foam.


Solution - if u can afford it go for the panasonic e800 system, they also do an HD version

We love the paths that can be programmed in - just press go. Movement, focus, WB etc can

all be programed, so much more user-able than the sony system.

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