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Right ok so had a chance for the first time to hear SSE's new L'acoustics K1 system System was 6xK1 subs and 12xK1 tops flowin 6subs on top of course and 12 SB28(cardioid) as side. All being driven by LA amps. I was at front of house which was a good 50-60m from stage. The system just blew my socks off. Everything was there it was clean loud and full. I was well impressed for being an EV boy. I was on second stage all weekend which is aobut 450m from main and it still sound good there. Just wanting to hear other peoples views.
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There were some of these boxes on the main stage at T in the Park this year. (Brit Row's I think) and the one band I managed to catch before I had to do some work (sorry but it was bjorn again) sounded great. Clarity was lovely. Bass was really punchy.

I'm afraid we were only there for the day as we had another festival the next day, but I'd have loved to heard more. The brit row guys have apparently been enthusing about this system for a while, so I look forward to hearing it indoors. Anybody know who's taking it out first? I've got guesties for Muse at the end of the year so hopefully it'll be on that.

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www.ratsound.com/cblog - Check out his entries about Coachella '09 (start at around April 20th) where they took Rat Sounds brand new K1 rig. Apparently it's one of the biggest set-ups of it's kind. Looks mad, friends who were crewing out there said it sounded unbelievable in sound checks and the discussion in the blog about his Sub patterns (32 sb28's in a cardioid/cannon formation) really gets you thinking about the stuff you can do when you've got a big enough budget
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There were some of these boxes on the main stage at T in the Park this year. (Brit Row's I think)


Main stage - SSE Audio supplied their shiny new K1 rig with dV-DOSK fills and K1 delays. The rig consisted of 18 K-1 elements, 3 dV-DOSK elements and 3 stacks of SB28 subs per side. dV-DOSK front fills were provided and about 200m from the stage there were two smaller delay arrays of K1 to provide coverage to the back of the main stage field. Overall the sound was good for most of the time, however at some points during the 3 day event the crew seemed to be struggling with atmospheric issues. For instance, Lady ga-Ga was almost incoherent until you were central to the line array.




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about 200m from the stage there were two smaller delay arrays of K1 to provide coverage to the back of the main stage field.


You sure it want V-Dosc delays. I was working oxegen for them and the setups are normally the same. Oxegen as said was 6 K1 subs then 12 K1 tops with 3 dV-Dosc down fills, 12 SB28 cardiod subs a side and 6 dV-Dosc front fills and delays of 6 V-Dosc placed about 80m from main stacks.

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about 200m from the stage there were two smaller delay arrays of K1 to provide coverage to the back of the main stage field.


You sure it want V-Dosc delays. I was working oxegen for them and the setups are normally the same. Oxegen as said was 6 K1 subs then 12 K1 tops with 3 dV-Dosc down fills, 12 SB28 cardiod subs a side and 6 dV-Dosc front fills and delays of 6 V-Dosc placed about 80m from main stacks.




spot on. the delays were only v-dosc at T. Still no mention of who's touring this rig yet. Might have a look at SSE website today to see if they are dropping any names.

I have to say that the sub at T was lovely - and that's coming from someone who was there doing lamps with an act. That seems to be how most of my work pans out just now, but I do like a really good sound system.

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