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Camco Input Gain.....


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Hi all,


I am using a Nexo PS 15 system with 2 x LS1200's. It is powered by two Camco Tecton 38.4's.

On the back of the amps is an Input Gain selector.


The options are: 26db, 32db or 1.4v input sensitivity.


What does this mean and which setting should I use?



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Nexo recommend using low voltage gains, so start with 26dB. If you are struggling to drive the system to the point where the limiters kick in, then up the gain to 32dB.


In theory, keeping the amplifier voltage gain relatively low and the mixers output fairly high will maximise your signal to noise ratio, however you need to be careful that you dont end up over driving the output stage of your desk.


one other thing to check with the amps is that you have the internal amp limiters set to OFF - on the basis that you are using the sense lines with the controller, and that the controller is operating correctly.


Having the limiters switched in can cause confusion with the controller, with its limiting functions not operating correctly. In correct use, the controller will stop the amp from clipping or over-driving the speakers

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What does the 1.4v mean?

An input of 1.4v will provide the maximum output. The least useful of way of labelling an amp channel and also the least useful of those three settings IMHO.

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<br />
What does the 1.4v mean?
<br />An input of 1.4v will provide the maximum output. The least useful of way of labelling an amp channel and also the least useful of those three settings IMHO.<br />


Ha ha, very true.


Also worth pointing out that, whilst not the case here, if you have several amplifiers of different sizes / power ratings, it is important to match the GAINS, not the SENSITIVITIES. For example the 29dB setting on older Labs, or the 26dB setting on Macrotechs.

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