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BACS Vs Cheque


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Would you pay the extra 2.5% at the supermarket or petrol station? On the receipt they used to tell you how they were chraging you 2.5% (or whatever) but then discounting the total to make up for it.


this was for other reasons, but basically the 2.5% would go to another company, who would then handle the credit card fee's and associated problems

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I quite like cheques in some cases as it means I can keep an eye on certain people I work for who in the past haven't been so fast to pay as they perhaps could have been (if you get my drift.) Those that pay promptly are welcome to pay by bacs though.




Why should I charge more to pay in a cheque than I would to stand around for an hour watching some talentless oiks pretent they're Take That?


I think perhaps you need to turn that question around! :rolleyes:

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Thanks for all the replys guys... I think I shall have a chat with the accounts department next week. My other concerns with cheques are, they quite often say 'oh I put the cheque in the post last week', then the cheque appears in the post the next day with yesterdays date on. And also as someone else pointed out, if I'm away for a long period of time, I need a friend to pop by and collect my post, especally as the block I live in all the post ends up one table, and all the 'uncollected' post seems to be recycled once a week!


Thanks Again!

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Guest lightnix
BACS payments don't bounce
Are you certain about that? Its many years ago, but I wrote software to work with BACS, and I'm pretty sure that a payment reversal was part of the spec.
Unless you go for the fast payment options, BACS payments can be recalled up to the end of day 2 - ICESAVE did it to me!

I didn't know that - thanks; although at least you find out about it quicker than a bounced cheque and you may just have the time to get a courier to intercept a delivery, if goods are involved. Useful to know, though :)


I suppose in the end, it's all about what works best for you. For me, cheques are an archaic form of payment - although I still remain to be completely convinced about the benefits of a totally cashless society :rolleyes:

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