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Accountants for freelance riggers


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Hi folks


I work as a freelance rigger and have decided it is time that I get my self a proper accountant. Can anyone recommend me one that is experienced with our type of work, that understands what we do and doesnt have huge fees.


Midlands based would be good



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In fairness it's not that necessary for your accountant to understand your business. It's your job to present him with a coherent set of records and his to interpret those to your best advantage. Even our book-keeper only has a vague understanding of what we do to earn the cash. I think she's sick of seeing receipts for a tank of diesel and a bag of jelly babies. At 180 miles a tank that's a lot of jelly babies!


Depending on what you turn over the fees might seem astronomical by comparison. What do you consider a sensible cost? Also, what do you need them to do? If it's just the year end accounts then you'll get a decent deal from a lot of one man bands. If you want a fully serviced book keeping, VAT return, PAYE hand-holding service like the one we use then you might be after a totally different organisation.


Also I think this should probably be moved to "the office".

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  • 3 weeks later...
It's your job to present him with a coherent set of records and his to interpret those to your best advantage. Even our book-keeper only has a vague understanding of what we do to earn the cash. I think she's sick of seeing receipts for a tank of diesel and a bag of jelly babies. At 180 miles a tank that's a lot of jelly babies!


Sorry to go a little off topic, but were you at PLASA in Leeds last week? Either that, or I'm having a horrible case of de ja vu.

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It's your job to present him with a coherent set of records and his to interpret those to your best advantage. Even our book-keeper only has a vague understanding of what we do to earn the cash. I think she's sick of seeing receipts for a tank of diesel and a bag of jelly babies. At 180 miles a tank that's a lot of jelly babies!


Sorry to go a little off topic, but were you at PLASA in Leeds last week? Either that, or I'm having a horrible case of de ja vu.

Nope, can't say I was. Did they have jelly babies?

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