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Power point format problem for our anycast

French Frog

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Hi anyone there!

We use anycast from 4/5 years now, we use it with 4/6 video camera in dvcam (450 WSP, 570 then now one 270E sony).

We record on external hard disk, not a problem, we use Maxtor 500 Giga, using PC we convert it or do editing on it.


We do more and more live adding a pc with power point presentation, the live video is shown on plasma screens in wide format.

We always have problems with the power point, the pc reading it cant bring us a wide format (16/9 format) we always have to manage in otpions of the anycast the width of it ;-(

then of course comes on any side of the presentation some black! ;-(

Due to the format of the ppt to a wide screen, what can be the best to do it full screen ? instead of 4/3 ???


all the best to you all anycast people!

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